Friday, 21 June 2013

Second beta at 15dp5dt - Bugger

Just a quick update. There are no pictures today or silliness about chocolate lollipops.

My beta has gone from 81 on 13dp5dt (18dpo) to 130 on 15dp5dt (20dpo). Those measurements were  over 52 hours apart. My clinic isn’t too hopeful; the lovely people who help me there have gone from being chirpy to gloomy. The clinic and my GP suspect that I might be in possession of an ectopic pregnancy. Quite handily, they have given me a list of warning signs which, if any of them happen, should send me galloping on over to my local hospital. I will have another beta on Monday and, if I make it, a scan next Friday. There is a small chance that this pregnancy will work out but you'd really need a high powered microscope to see it now. I am clinging on to that small shred of hope. I want to keep my diamond, dammit.


  1. I just want to give you a big giant hug. Im so sorry that things are not looking up right now. Saying another prayer for your shred of hope to blossom.

    1. Thanks Kasey. We are accepting all prayers and hugs.

  2. I agree with Kasey, I just want to hug you right now. You'll be in my thoughts all weekend. I hope that the beta on Monday brings good news <3

    1. Thanks Aislinn. We are really hoping for an outstanding result from our test on Monday.

  3. Hi from ICLW. So sorry the numbers are doubling the way we all hoped they would. (((( Hugs))))

  4. Bugger. I am thinking the best of positive thoughts for you and your little diamond. If I could pop over, make you a cup of tea, and give you a hug, I'd be over in a flash.

    1. Hey there. I am drinking tea by the bucket load and your hug would definitely be most welcome here.

  5. Oh man. This is sad news. Like everyone else here, I am sending you hugs. But you never know what Monday will bring.

    1. We'll take your hug too. Yep, all are hopes are pinned on Monday.

  6. I ditto Kasey's comment as well. I'm sorry you aren't getting better numbers and praying things work out!

  7. hi from ICLW. Here's hoping for good news : )

  8. I always thought the numbers were supposed to double "every two to three days", in which case I think you're going to be ok. I don't do bullshit optimism, but I think everything is going to work out this time.

  9. Hello, you are right. They should double preferably every 48 hours but up to 72 hours is fine. Sadly my numbers are refusing to double faster than 75 hours. Not so okay. I am grateful for the optimism though.

  10. How could it be ectopic if they put the embryos in your uterus???

  11. It can happen cause the embryo might have swam back to the tubes and implanted
